gay people's CHRONICLE
Vol. 1 No. 6
Diocese fires gay teacher
June 5 Vigil for Truth and Justice supporting Bob Navis, the teacher fired by the Cleveland Catholic Diocese for being actively gay, was the most significant event the local lesbian/gay community has seen in many years.
Navis, who has worked for the Cleveland Catholic Diocese since 1967, was organist at St. Francis Church, founder and director of the St. Francis Community Theatre, and Music Director for St. Francis School. He was also Music Director at Erieview High School. Navis had told Father Tom Martin, the pastor of St. Francis, and Sister
Cleveland, Ohio
Agreeing that an injustice had been done to Navis, she promised to try to right it.
Three months later, having heard nothing from Vladimiroff, Navis and Gerhardstein arranged second meeting with her. She now expressed concern about what she called the "public nature" of their relationship. Indicating
that the diocese would not agree to an arbitration meeting, she added that she did see how it could offer Navis a contract at Erieview for the next year. The next day, May 29, she directed the Erieview principal to withold Navis' contract until further notice.
On May 31 Navis and Gerhardstein met with supporters to plan the June 5 vigil. On
Navis Interview, p. 8
Dignity Interview, p. 9
Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade, more on pp 6-7
July 1985
HIT Names Gearhart
Randy Gearhart has been named Executive Director of
possible by a grant from the U.S. Council of Mayors and donations from local individuals and
Mary Rita Crookston princiJune 3 Navis was informed, by the Health Issues Taskforce, ring served as gram,
pal of Erieview, that he was gay.
In July 1984, soon after Jeffrey Gerhardstein moved to Cleveland to live with Navis, Martin fired Navis from his teaching position at St. Francis School, cancelling his hospitalization and benefits. Martin said he was acting at the suggestion of Rev. John Murphy, Superintendent of Schools for the
Navis' appeal to the director of the diocesan Board of Arbitration and Conciliation was fruitless. Father Martin refused to take part in the arbitration process.
the school's public address system, that his classes had been cancelled for the rest of the school year.
The significance of the Vigil lies in its contrast with the usual nature of the Cleveland lesbian-gay community.
This community generally
subscribes to two articles of faith: closets are comfortable, and conditions here are great for gay people. Those who make their gayness public draw disapproval. Clevelandarea gay people go to Columbus to celebrate Gay Pride Week. Yet the Vigil, hastily In February 1985, Navis and planned by the Committee for Gerhardstein, with Navis' Justice for Gay People, drew parents and Gerhardstein's 150 participants, who gathmother, asked to meet with ered on Superior Avenue outPilla. They were side Erieview High School, steered to Sister Christine where Navis taught. Vladimiroff, the diocesan
for Education.
page 3, col. 1
(HIT). Gearhart will be responsible for administer-
HIT's AIDS education
Ted Wilson, HIT chairperson, said that HIT was extremely pleased to have someone of Gearhart's abilities heading these vitally important programs.
The educational programs are aimed at promoting safe sex practices as a means of combating the further spread of AIDS. Special emphasis will will be placed on reaching minorities and closeted gays and bisexuals.
Another educational program will be an outreach to medical and social service professionals professionals to keep them current on AIDS and to lessen any anxiety they may have about dealing with AIDS patients.
These programs have been
Six Sue Ritz for Discrimination
On June 18 six Cleveland area gay men and women filed lawsuit against the Ritz,
a local bar that is nongay most of the week but caters to gay people on Sundays. Their lawsuit, filed with
the support of the Midwest Regional Discrimination Response System, Inc., charges the Ritz with violating their civil rights by discriminating against black patrons and asks that the bar and its owner be strained from maintaining
discriminatory policies.
The Ritz cards blacks who try to patronize it, and often refuses them admission. Those who filed suit include whites as well blacks. Their suit was filed in U.S. District Court, Northern District of
oups, including N.O.C.I. head of HIT'S AIDS support program, Gearhart has extensive knowledge of AIDS. Prior to being selected as Executive Director, Gearhart was Director of Admissions at Mt. Sinai Medical Center. He is currently pursuing a master's degree at Case Western University's School of Applied Social Sciences. He has a bachelor of social work degree from Cleveland State University.
Gearhart's selection caps a two-month-long search process. Over 30 people applied for the position. Ted Wilson, HIT Chairperson, said, "All of Hit's board members were extremely inpressed with the overall quality of the applicants. We are quite happy to have Randy directing these activities."
Founded December 1984, the Midwest Regional Discrimination Response System was established by the Cleveland, Columbus, and Youngstown chapters of Black and White Men Together and is funded
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